Not to sounds like a total Duhigg-bot, but The Power of Habit tells me that I am much more likely to be successful if I have a plan for the potential obstacles I may encounter when I try to change my habits. Let the strategy session commence!
Habit #1: The Snooze Button
The first obstacle to this habit appeared this morning. When the alarm went off at 5:25 this morning, I was greeted with windows full of gloom and the sound of rain beating against my window. For some people, and I have always been one of them, rain is my Kryptonite. Not only does it make my hair frizz and my mascara run, but it makes me want to curl up into a tiny ball under a blanket with a hot drink and a chick flick. Not exactly the response that will help me pop out of bed and power into a new habit!
When I am facing the prospect of crawling out of a warm bed into a cold, rainy morning, I will remind myself that I have to get up anyway. As I am not a major league baseball player, I can’t call out of work because of rain. And even if I were a major league baseball player, school doesn’t close when it’s raining, so I still have to drag myself out of bed eventually to get the kids ready for school. So really, if I have to get up anyway, why delay? Why not get up and get moving? It might shake me out of my rainy day blahs. And if it doesn’t, I will remind myself, I have permission to curl up in a blanket after work.
Another hurdle I will face in changing this habit is the sleep patterns of my children. God, I love my kids, but they did not inherit any of their parents’ love for sleep. I often awake in the middle of the night with a little face looming over me, asking “Mommy, is it good morning time?” or “Mommy, it’s dark and I’m scared. Can you sit in my room with me?” Even if I can convince a little nipper to head back to bed without an escort, it’s still a sleep disruption. Once I’m awake, I have a terrible habit of keeping myself awake with thoughts of unfinished projects or worries. Some days, I find that when my alarm clock goes off, my eyelids are still glued closed, crying in exhaustion over my broken and unfulfilling sleep.
How will I overcome this hurdle? I will make sure to shake my husband awake more often. There are many nights where I let him sleep, knowing that he stayed up later than I did, or that he didn’t have a great sleep the night before. Just because I happen to be the parent the kids have come to doesn’t mean that I have to be the parent to get up. Besides, if my husband is shouldering a larger share of the night shift, he will be more apt to work with me to help the kids change their own nighttime patterns. Win-win!
The final hurdle to overcome is just the habit of snoozing itself: letting my drowsy brain slap down the 8 minute time out button instead of starting my day. Weirdly, this will be the easiest of my hurdles to overcome, because I know I can do it. I’ve done it before, daily, for long periods of time. This is a little thing in the grand scheme of my life, an easy thing to take ownership of. An easy win, if you will.
I know bigger battles are coming, so I will take these easy wins where I can get them.
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